Loving the Mixteco People
While we were with Andy and Karyn Pricer and their two children Hunter and Julia from Fire Ministries in the Guadalajara area, our team was able to go with them to a part of town that only Mixteco people live.They all live on one street. It was awesome visiting another indigenous people group. We went door to door just meeting the people, handing out CD's with the Bible and songs in their language on them and feeding them some pan (bread). We prayed for the sick. One lady that the team prayed for was paralized on one side of her face and her arm and now has some feeling in both and we are believing that Jesus will continue to heal her. We shared the gospel with many and loved on the Mixteco people of that area.
Revival in Cumuatillo
Cowboy herding goats right where we stayed the night |
Christian Jung leading worship in spanish |
Many people came forward for prayer to be heale by Jesus |
Pastor Candy and I |
We traveled a few hours south of Guadalajara towards Mexico City with our new friends, Andy & Karyn Pricer and children, to where another couple, Terry and Karen David, from Fire Ministries are missionaries. We had an open air meeting in the street near a church that an awesome young man named, "Candy" is the pastor. Ben shared what God had laid on his heart. Jesse gave his testimony. At least five people came forward to receive Christ. Then we asked people to come forward to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I prayed with two who received their prayer language. The streets were filled with revival as the Spirit of God fell upon everyone. Many spoke in new tongues. There were words of knowledge about people who were suffering with pain in different parts of their bodies. Those people also came forward to receive healing. The streets rejoiced at the testimonies of these healings from the mouths of their own people. Our team continues to carry revival fire through Latin America
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