Pesqueira, Mexico
September 15-17
Revival is breaking forth here at our first stop in Pesqueira, Mexico. After a few hang-ups at the border in Nogales, our Iris Latin America team finally arrived late in the evening on Wednesday. We were greeted by Dany and the beautiful Christ-followers at “Centro de Fe, Esperanza y Amor” with a dinner of local-style tacos.
We hit the ground running the following morning, which we were informed was Mexican Independence Day. The inhabitants of Pesqueira come from all over Mexico and are mostly indigenous speakers of Triqui, Zapoteca and other languages. The church here goes house to house using large mp3 players with the New Testament in the over 300 languages of Mexico to determine what language each family in this area speaks. After gathering this information from each family, Dany then duplicates CDs with the gospel in their indigenous language and brings it to them so that they can hear the story of Jesus and respond. Our team collected money to purchase 1,000 blank CDs for the ministry here. After a time of worship together as a team, we accompanied the local Christ-followers in going house to house to help with the survey in five separate groups. It was an amazing time! We also prayed for many people. We led one woman to Christ right there in her courtyard. We also prayed for the sick and saw them recover. One boy we prayed for had some form of conjunctivitis and his eyes were red and watering really badly. Only five hours later we saw him at the revival meeting we held and his eyes were completely normal and had totally cleared up!
House to house praying and blessing people |
God healing this boy of conjunctivittis |
We planned a revival meeting for 6pm at the church that we were going to invite all of the people who we visited house to house. We were told not to expect many to attend because it was Mexican Independence Day and they would be attending the fiestas instead. Six o’clock rolled around and against all odds the church building began to fill with hundreds of the people that we had invited from the surrounding area. Some of our team gathered all of the children that came with their families to play games outside. At the revival meeting there was a time of worship. Then Jesse and myself gave some testimonies of God’s love and power. Then Jesse and Christian spoke words of knowledge about people who were feeling suicidal that very week and who had pain in their bodies. People responded to these words and we ministered the love and power of Jesus to them. After this Dany gave the gospel message. In response to the message 45 people came forward to pray and receive Jesus for the first time! The Holy Spirit party continued as they continued to bring the sick and diseased to us. Many people from our team prayed for those who came forward. I prayed for three people who were in pain. All received a healing and had no more pain. There were many more who received healing and deliverance. Yeah Jesus! It was truly Mexican Independence Day as the indigenous people of Pesqueira were set free body, soul and spirit!!!
Friday we went again to evangelize and bring people to the friday night revival meeting. The night before was so successful that the church and our team wanted to go out again. Dany, the acting pastor, told me the church more than doubled with all the salvations. This last picture is Dany, Natalie, and myself taking a fun break on a very hot day to swing. One of the Iris missionaries who is over Iris Relief and Iris Taiwan has a mandate of a third prayer, a third work, and a third fun. This was our fun. I believe this was the first time Dany swung. He looked uncomfortable doing it. He has been helping me with my spanish and I am teaching him english.

Friday we went again to evangelize and bring people to the friday night revival meeting. The night before was so successful that the church and our team wanted to go out again. Dany, the acting pastor, told me the church more than doubled with all the salvations. This last picture is Dany, Natalie, and myself taking a fun break on a very hot day to swing. One of the Iris missionaries who is over Iris Relief and Iris Taiwan has a mandate of a third prayer, a third work, and a third fun. This was our fun. I believe this was the first time Dany swung. He looked uncomfortable doing it. He has been helping me with my spanish and I am teaching him english.
Que maravillosos testimonios. Es lindo saber el trabajo que Dios esta haciendo a travez de ustedes. Espero escuchar mucho mas y ver mas fotos por medio de tu blog. Continuamos orando por tu bienestar y seguridad en tu camino.
P.D. Para que practiques tu español.
I watched the video yesterday and cried all the way through it!!! I'm emotional right now thinking about it. Now I know I can't watch anything you post (or read for that matter)unless I'm home because crying at work is NO BUENO. Don't be surprised if I show up at one of your many stops!