Around this time last year, I was single. My home was wherever God told me to rest my head. In three years, that was about 15 different countries. My ministry was still developing and seemed far into the future. Yet, you never know what awaits for you in the new year.
I believed I was headed to Morocco. I felt God has opened some doors for me there. I was planning on going sometime before the summer began. Pappa had other plans for me. I never would have believed what 2014 would bring. Proverbs 16:9, The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.
I had felt a long term calling in Brazil, ever since I went to Iris Harvest school 4 years ago. When I was traveling through Central and South America, I always new in Brazil, He would speak to me about it. I never wanted to force Brazil, I wanted it to be in His timing and His leading. Last year at this time, I wrote all my contacts, just to say hi. It was as innocent as that for me. Yet, I did not know, it would kick open the door to so many of my unanswered prayers (ministry, love, and a place to call home).
In less than a year, what seemed to be so far in the future, became my "now". I found my love, Juliana, and she found me. I found a place to call home, and my heart does not ache for one anymore. In talking, sharing, and dreaming with Juliana, we found our ministry. These three things have been a long time coming.
I encourage those who are still waiting, to continue. God's ultimate plan for you is worth the wait. I waited a long time as a Christian. It was 13 years for me in finding a wife and easily 8 years for a ministry/home. When most people "find" these things in their early to mid 20's, I was 43 years old. I watched as others received their blessing. I'm not saying I wasn't blessed during this time. I am just saying there are some things we desire that is so strong, there is no denying it in your heart. Don't be afraid to travel, be led by Him, to anywhere and everywhere He wants.

Psalm 37:4, Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Truthfully, in the past, this has been my least favorite scripture. I have heard people quote it as a reason to go ahead of Him and not wait for His leading. For me, the portion I love the most is, "Take delight in the Lord". When you have waited a long time for the "big things", taking delight in Him is the best. The rest, "He will give you..." just sends you in awe of His majesty.
Have a great 2015! Be expecting! If you are not expecting, like I wasn't last year, you may be amazed at His wonders for your life in 2015. Isaiah 9:6 ... And His name shall be called Wonderfull, Counselor, The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.