We split our team up into two teams to go to different areas in the jungle of Ecuador. We originally were going to the Waodani tribe but the Holy Spirit had other plans for our team. When we arrived in Puyo we found out that we weren't even close to the tribe and it wasn't going to happen in the time we alloted ourself for the trip. We prayed as a group and let our expectations for this trip go. We just let the Holy Spirit guide us in divine appointments to get us where He wanted us to go. In one day we found a missionary contact who was a jungle pilot who had many contacts in the jungle. When we met Rick for breakfast the next day as a group, he really interviewed us hard. He was skepitical of us and rightly so I might add. There has been a lot of bad agendas that missionaries have had in the past in the area. He set us up with a Cuban couple who had been ministering to the Shuar people for the last two years in a remote area. We flew to the area, Campo Ayudi. Our pilot Rick's house is right next to the same airstrip that Nate Saint, Jim Elliot, Ed MCcully, Roger Youderian, and Peter Fleming flew out of when they were attempting to evangeliz the Waodani tribe. They were martyed in the 50's. We spent 5 days loving, fellowshiping, and praying with the Shuar people in Campo Ayudi, San Franciso, San Juan, and the Three Maria's.
Getting ready to fly deeper into the jungle in Ecuador. |
Fellowshipping with Pastor Ramon and his wife in Campo Ayudi |
Guys practicing with a blow dart before going hunting. |
Trying to get out of Campo Ayudi by plane but got delayed by rain. |
Nate Saint house in Shell, Ecuador. He was one of the missionaried that was martyrd in the 50's in Ecuador. |